13 Years Old Boy Collects 80 Pounds of Clothing for the Homeless

Sebi, a thirteen-year-old wonderful boy, has proved that age is just a number when it comes to being generous and making a positive impact on the world. In just three days, Sebi collected an impressive eighty pounds of clothes for our homeless friends in Santa Monica.
“I feel good because if you do good things, good things will happen to you.”

This statement perfectly embodies the philosophy of The Give Back Community, which encourages individuals to be more generous and selfless in order to create a better world for all.
By taking action and making a positive impact on those around us, we not only benefit those who are directly impacted by our actions, but we also feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose in our own lives.

Sebi’s efforts serve as a reminder that being generous doesn’t require any specific age or status, but rather a kind heart and a willingness to take action. By taking the initiative to gather much-needed clothing for those in need, Sebi has demonstrated that even young people can make a meaningful difference in their communities.

Sebi’s words serve as a reminder that even small acts of kindness can have a big impact on the world. By striving to be more generous and selfless, we can all make a difference and create a more compassionate and caring society for all. So let’s all take a cue from Sebi and strive to do good things in our own lives, knowing that the positive ripple effects will come back to us in ways we may never have expected.

So let’s all take a page out of Sebi’s book and strive to be more generous and selfless in our own lives. Whether through small acts of kindness or larger gestures, we can all make a difference and help create a better world for all.
Thank you Sebi.

Live Generously
The Give Back Community