Donata Lovato

  • Occupation: Housewife
  • Program: Game Day
  • Location: Rome - Italy

" I could talk for hours about our incredible experiences in Italy, but I guarantee you that they would be the same wonderful testimonies made in America, Brazil, Argentina, or the rest of the world, of people whose sufferings we have alleviated, whether for a short or long time. What I really want to emphasize is how important it is to convey empathy and generosity to our children, our friends, and the people we love. Sowing the good seed must be our small but great mission in life.

  From experience, I tell you that all the love and empathy you give to others enriches you deeply as a person, gratifies you, and gives you a joy that is incomparable. Everything we do for the weakest, the poorest, and the loneliest helps us understand how fortunate we are and how much we must be grateful to God.

This is the medicine for our soul that often fights for things too superficial. Mine is the story of a family that passed all this on to me, and I wanted to pass it on by example to my children to give them the greatest gift, which is understanding the true values of life that lie in our feelings and our sensitivity."

Amanda Monike Dos Santos

  • Occupation: Entrepreneur
  • Program: Game Day
  • Location: San Telmo - Buenos Aires

" Being a community leader in my city and neighborhood has brought various changes to my personal life.

The main one is that I have an additional reason to continue doing God's will through a group of volunteers determined to be and give their best for a greater good. Workers of God who come together to provide food for the body and soul of those who receive it, sharing God's love through His word with everyone we meet, reminding them that God never forgets His children.

The Give Back Community is a group used as an instrument in the hands of the Creator, in the general sense of personal growth and fulfillment; I say that it is a beautiful experience, and it feels good to be part of something so grand and blessed. It feels like a loving embrace from the Father, doing good without looking at whom it is for... Let us be better every day so that this act of kindness, empathy, and generosity serves as inspiration to those who also wish to be part of this growing chain. By joining us and being used as instruments of God, we help others find their ways to Him."

Deborah Kim-Thompson

  • Occupation: Financial Analyst
  • Program: Game Day
  • Location: Orlando - Florida

" "Being a community leader with The Give Back Community has been an incredibly rewarding and life-changing experience for me. I've had the honor of working alongside a passionate team of volunteers to start the Game Day program that encourages generosity and giving back in our city.

Through this role, I've been able to build close connections with all kinds of people in our community. Seeing the genuine kindness and care that emerge when people unite for a common cause has been so inspiring to me. Whether it's the joy on a child's face as they receive a hot meal or the rapport that grows between our volunteers, these moments remind me of the good in people. This has only strengthened my drive to make a positive difference and has given me a deep sense of purpose beyond just my job.  

Not only that, but this has strengthened my relationship with the Lord seeing how he continually provides as our team puts our trust in Him. The ripple effects of our work have been incredible - we've watched community bonds grow stronger and small acts of kindness have a lasting impact which has been amazing to be a part of."

Edgar Derce

  • Occupation: Talent Acquisition Manager
  • Program: Game Day
  • Location: Salt Lake City - Utah

" "My perception of people on the street changed the day I approached and listened to them. Many times we judge, criticize, and even condemn without knowing the origin of the problem. Let's show God's love without judgment by helping those in need, and the impact on their lives will undoubtedly be positive.

Being part of The Give Back Community has allowed me to meet many people with noble hearts who are willing to bless others. It has also given me the opportunity to be closer to God's heart by being generous to those in need."

Roberto Alves de Jesus

  • Occupation: Trilingual Analyst
  • Program: Game Day
  • Location: Sao Paulo - brazil

" "It is rewarding to see people being transformed not only those who are on the streets, but also the volunteers who have been with us. They have changed their way of thinking and treating others.

The Give Back Community has meant a lot in our lives because we have learned that generosity is both precious and contagious. People who see us serving our neighborhoods also want to contribute somehow because they want to experience the fulfillment that comes from helping others. When we learn the power of generosity, we can be better in many areas of our lives. Kindness brings us closer to people and to God."

Rafael Ortega

  • Occupation: Doctor & Psychiatry Student
  • Program: Game Day
  • Location: Palermo - Buenos Aires

" "We've dedicated ourselves to assisting others for a considerable duration, yet the specter of fear loomed larger with each passing wave of inflation. Argentina, plagued by this enduring economic issue, witnesses an increasing number of individuals grappling with hardships daily.

Nonetheless, my faith has been reaffirmed; amidst the challenges, when one's determination is unwavering, divine providence ensures that resources flow abundantly, irrespective of their origin. Heartfelt gratitude to The Give Back Community! It's truly an honor to contribute alongside such a dedicated team."